I had a bad day yesterday.
It all started when I took my computer in to get fixed because one of the hinges for the screen was broken. I had some foresight and decided to take care of my red light ticket and my internet bill. I dropped my computer off at Acer, still under warranty, pick it up tomorrow, no problem. Then, I went to the license office to see if I could pay my ticket there, I had no idea where. Well, I COULD have paid it at 7-11!!! But, the ten days of procrastination were up, so to the government orifice I went. I was about to pay my $1800NT ($70CAN) ticket, when I realized I had pocket lint in lieu of cash, luckily, there was a bank machine in the building... it, too, shared my demise of having no money. I went a block away and got some cash from another machine, I took out $80 cause that's all it would give me cause I only had $83. Well, my $70 ticket went to $220CAN 'cause it was late, crap. Also, my insurance had lapsed 2 days before the ticket and I had renewed it two days after the ticket, so that was a $100 punch on top. I decided to check on my scooter as well, it had a photo ticket on it for $25CAN for something. I asked to see the photo, they had taken it to my old apartment, but I didn't live there, so it got lost in the bowels of the system. The ticket was in some police building somewhere. I asked to change my address to my new one and they couldn't do it, because my working permit still had my old address, so I will have to go to the foreign affairs and change it first, then come back to change it on my license.
Ok, this was getting to be a bit much, so, I called the police. I called the police "English" assistance and they sorted everything out for me... pretty damn cool. My ticket was reduced to the $70 original price, they called the police where the photo was and told me where to go, they explained the other stuff to me and they were really nice. I paid the $70 ticket and left ('cause I was out of money).
I went to school and asked Andy for a $400 advance (payday is tomorrow) and he said that the other school is doing it every month and they are just not going to do it anymore, I hadn't gotten an advance since last Christmas, but I just said, ok, and he said sorry. After my classes, I was leaving and the secretary gave me my $400, so maybe Keith had changed his mind or something (Yes, Andy would have asked Keith), so I had my cash. I went for dinner and watched TV for a bit. At midnight, I went to find my ticket... it was cold, but the streets were completely clear, so driving was easy. I went to the main police station and the door-cop let me in and told me where to go, I went through some hallways and into a room where there were some desks and a police uniform sitting on the desk with no policeman... Shoes, pants, shirt, hat, vest, handcuffs and a gun, but no one inside the suit? I went out front and told the door guy that no one was around. He called a number and told me to go back, there was a man in his pajamas coming to see me, LOL. I was at the wrong police station. I went over the river to another one and they told me to follow them, they will drive to the one I want. It was a left turn at a red light, I was on my scooter behind the cop car. They told me to make an illegal left lane, left hand turn against the red light... isn't this what started the whole problem??? So, I did. The station was locked, so the police took me to the underground parking to take the elevator to the 10th floor... (secret entrance if you ever get locked out). I went up and there was a cop sitting in a chair. He told me that I had to return tomorrow because they were "closed". What did I do??? Called the police!!! They straightened everything out... again. Apparently, when they had called during the day, they had said I would come at night, so the ticket guy, told the guard that the ticket was on the desk, but after the guards changed, they had forgotten to tell the new guard. The guy who forgot got woken up for this mistake when the new guard phoned his home.
Ok, so while the police were sorting my problems out, I walked around the 10th floor, there was a nice terrace and a sign saying "Sit down and drink your tea." I felt it was very appropriate as this was the traffic police office and most "customers" are anxious, pissed off and soon to be broke. Then I walked into the main room into an open doorway... ...COOL! M-16s, grenades, flack jackets, AK-47s, handguns and stacks of ammo!!! They should really lock the big steel open door, the officer didn't seem to care I was in there, so cool.
He got off the phone and gave me my ticket, YAAAAAAYYYY!!!! It wasn't me!!! It was a friend driving, I had lent the scooter to someone for the day, so I'll probably get the money from them. However, it was a 3 hour trip, just for a $24 ticket.
I got my computer back today, paid my internet bill at 7-11 along with my water bill... if you pay before the deadline, you can pay your :parking and traffic tickets, power, gas, phone, cell, water, internet, and I'm sure a dozen other bills at 7-11!!! And, there's a 7-11 on every block!!!