Monday, December 12, 2005

The movie star lifestyle.

The beautiful purple sky grows as dusk settles in, she loks down the lane as a headlight is seen in the distance, the figure gets closer. Dressed in a sleeveless muscle shirt, bluejeans and a leather bracelet, he rolls his motorcycle up to the front of the Italian restaurant. As he cuts the beating of his engine, a glimpse of his chisled face can be seen under his sunglasses through the guard of his helmet. He's not from around here... he's from... THE WEST!

He squints slightly as the camera flash hits his eyes.
He drops kis kickstand and tips his bike as the crowd of people that have gathered watch to see who has rode in from the sunset. He removed his sunglasses and surveys the crowd, one excited onlooker is trying to get a picture of this towering stranger and his beast. The tall heavyset stranger looks as the flash goes off. He removes his heavy helmet and his earphones as the crowd goes silent. He effortly steps off his bike, sets his helmet on the seat and moves towards the crowd. He walks up to the young woman with the camera and asks what she is taking pictures of, she appologises and says that she wanted a pic of the bike. He asked if she wanted to sit on it and have her picture taken... no, she wanted the stranger on the bike. What could he do but sit on his iron horse and allow his fame to spread across the land. He saw the hour long line and walked to the front to make a take out order of lasagna. He sat on the porch with his boots on the railing and posed for his fans while his fine pasta was being prepared. After the beats rolled through his iPod for about 10 minutes, he recieved his take out and saddled up on his iron horse, bid farewell to his audience and rode back into the sunset from which he came as his engine bellowed it's low roar.

Yep, it happened agian, another unpaid modelling job. Some young woman who didn't speak any English wanting to take a picture of a foreigner. Why do our white faces grant us instant celebrity status? I have no idea, but it could be the opposite, so I'll take the celebrity option. Had a good day, I went to the Jade Market for some shopping, then to the island for some beach time and more shopping. I then drove to the Italian restaurant for some lasagna and then to Paul's (from B.C.) apartment to hang out. Wow, moving out of there when I did was a good thing, I've never seen a place so unkept and I've been in a lot of unkept places. Nick used to keep our place clean and I never made a mess. Now, it's Paul and two other guys and things have let go. The cat's claws have had free range on the whit leather couch, the fishtank is green and the main toilet has been plugged for 2 weeks. Had a good time, Andrew and a friend came in to town and we played some Xbox games and drank Rye and Cokes. Yesterday, I went to MeiNong to the unbrella factory for some more shopping. I think I have a few people bought for. Anyways, I have two empty suitcases in my room, and I must go feed them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Colin, here is the fabulous quote that I know you have been excitedly anticipating!!!! Thanks for sending me the link to your blog... it will be nice to hear what you're up to every now and then!

Monday, December 12, 2005 1:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, a movie star..Can I have yur autograph...Breta

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:29:00 PM  

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