Careful what you wish for.

I always wanted to be an important person, have an office, a desk and people working under me. Also, I wanted to have a publicist, and and editor.
Well, my morning teaching job provides me with a secretary, a desk and an office.
Afternoon and evening job places 4 teachers below me that I'm supposed to supervise and create materials for.
And now I have a job writing articles for a magazine as well as doing photography for it.
So, now I have office work that I must prepare for my secretary who doesn't speak English. A desk full of work. Afternoons and evenings provide me with an opportunity to evaluate and hire new teachers, provide training, materials and design a curriculum.
Now, I have insane deadlines for writing articles, and a whole book of guidelines and criteria I must follow. My first article got torn apart with constructive criticism, my second article was completely obliterated. Anyways, after pretty much rewriting both articles, they looked much better and went through with only a couple words edited. I think next time will run more smoothly. My editor's pretty great, all the criticism was constructive, but there was a lot. I miss Mr. Krismer, my English teacher; all I had to focus on was grammar. It didn't matter what I wrote about or said, as long as I spelled everything correctly; now I have to put in drinking and driving blurbs if I mention the b*er word, and I can't say that a green salad is healthy, unless it's been approved by the Taiwan board of health and tested to see if all salads are created equal. Wow, lot's of stuff to consider. I wonder if the Simpsons' cartoonist has to worry about if he must draw seat belts on the cartoons if they're in a car. Also, word counts, bust be exact and no more.
Anyways, hopefully by Friday, I'll be a published author and photographer, that would be cool. Also, learning to write in this format is something I'd like to get good at, I have so many things to say, but so few words to say it in.
"Jimmy's Diner; Foods good, eat shrimp, beautiful furniture, affordable, go. (10% park behind) 127 Boai 2nd Road." -not really, but it feels like it.
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