Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well, it finally happened, Candy tried to kill me. With this innocent little bottle of water. Anyways, when you fill up with gas, they give you free bottles of water; a nice thing to have in a place without drinkable water. So, she had placed it in the fridge and when I left for work... it looked so nice for the 28 degree heat.
I had just sat down in my class and had finished my 7-11 chicken burger and was really thirsty. I pulled the ice cold water from my bag, cracked the safety seal on the neck and let it's coolness wash down my throat. Wow, talk about refreshing, it almost blew me out of my chair spewing all over the classroom, but nope, I managed somehow to keep it in my mouth as my eyes watered and my throat was incinerated. Something was definately off about this water, but yet very familiar.
Me-Joe, yep, I had it in AliShan, except my cup was a quarter full of bees and three quarter full of rice wine. Yep, Candy had gotten this stuff from her brother or something, I think it's $2.00 a bottle, slightly more potent and slightly less smooth than Hootch. Only after, I realized the Chinese writing on the side, the second character is "Joe" meaning alcohol, the first character was deduced to be "Me", meaning a particular kind of rice. I never bother to read the water bottles, every gas station has a different brand that changes monthly. I can't really read all that well anyways.
At break time, I asked my boss if it was MeJoe and he said yep, which student gave it to me? I explained that Candy must have brought it home and he said this stuff was harsh and meant for cooking or for the mountain indian tribes, I told him that Candy's family was from the mountains. He laughed and immediately told the rest of the staff about my great accomplishment and told me that if the stress is driving me to drink at work, maybe really need a holiday, I just need to ask. It was kind of funny. I sent the secretary to 7-11 to buy me some chewing gum and a lemon tea (not Long Island).
Upon personal reflection, Candy did mention that her brother gave her some wine, however; she forgot to tell me it was in a "water bottle" that looks like all the other water bottles.
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Monday, April 09, 2007

I'm not dead yet.

Well, I'm not dead yet... in fact, I'm too busy to be dead.

I'm juggling my fantastically amazing and turbulent life.

I have a girlfriend who's learning the basics of English.
I'm trying to sort out my housing situation to save some money, get a roommate, or move in with Jaco.
I'm trying to figure out when to go home, whether I'll bring my girlfriend with me.
What to do/see at home.
Also, due to my original computer chair being destroyed and my newer chair's armrest breaking, I have resulted to an outside steel patio chair. Last week, Candy jumped on me and the chair began to fold in, every day since, when I sit down, it folds in slightly more, I am waiting...

Hmmm... I'm REALLY loving my photography and now I'm playing. Also... I'm accepting applications for beautiful nude models... please don't all apply at once. The picture above hasn't been touched, I took it this weekend in the mountains. It's just someone's car, but it's a cool pic... yes, I meant to do it this way.

My cooking has gotten really good... or so I am delusioned to believe. Actually, my "Eeee Da La Mien" seems to be a volcanic eruption of trying too hard. "Eee Da Lee Mien" is Spaghetti (Italy Noodles), but change "Lee" to "La" and you have Spicy.

Candy likes spicy foods, she casually eats spicy peppers that make my Uncle Greg cry after just one bite. So, I made some spaghetti and sauce. I barbecued a chicken breast, then pan fried it with some chili peppers to add some spice, then I cooked some stewed tomatoes and tomato sauce, added a bunch of spices, the cut up chicken breast and some more chili peppers and voila! Candy said, "Wow, this is way too spicy for me." So, I ate the whole thing over three days and I drank lots of water... but I loved the pasta, really. It just took more water.

Hmmm... I've made a dozen different pasta sauces, most from scratch, even with fresh tomatoes! Chicken cordon bleu. I've stuffed just about anything you can think of into a chicken breast... except that. Stuffed green peppers, asparagus, tomatoes (yummy), tuna, corn (don't), mushrooms, curry, at various times into the chicken breast. I've also found a wicked curry powder that I just love, " Daw Sen's, Madras Curry Powder" from Daw Sen Industries Ltd, imported from Calcutta, India. If you can't find any, I'll bring some home.

Anyways, I'm going out to take some pictures while the sun's still up. More to follow eventually.

P.S. Apparently I'm the 'missing link' (Yes, I've been told that before, but in a different way), Theresa, the one who gave me the idea to blog, emailed me telling me I'm faltering on my blogging. My mother and father have told me to get on it, and my dear sister, who followed in my footsteps has also been giving me flack on this.
Theresa's blog just went belly up after not being updated for a year, my sister's fantastic blog must have fallen out of her pack in Africa, because last time I looked, it's still on Safari; two continents ago. As far as the parents are concerned, I just love them to death and am so glad that they take the time to check up on me and notice when I'm not around. Sorry for leaving you behind, I have so much to blog about, it will come. Wow, what a big P.S.