Saturday, December 10, 2005

Superstitious evolution

Well, I caught one heck of a cold last week, I actually lost my voice on Wednesday and Thursday. Andy (my underboss), was wondering if I was going to go home sick or not show up the next day. I told him that I would not call in sick, I haven't called in sick once since I got here almost two years ago, I have gone home sick once, but only because someone was free to teach my last class, so it was more out of convenience rather than necessity. It seems that all the foreigners and students were getting sick, I assume it was due to the sudden drops in temperature and spike in temperature. It went from 27C down to about 21C in a few days and the pollution spiked. At night, it got to 16C for a couple nights... apartments in Taiwan don't have heating because it rarely drops below 20C.

Anyways, I have often believed in some superstitions based on their length of existence and reasoning. Many Chinese medicines are "superstitious" and have now been found to be proven beneficial. Let's start with bad luck with walking under ladders... duh! If there is a ladder, there is probably some guy at the top with too many tools and things and no space to properly keep them. Chances are good that one of those things may fall and if you're under the ladder, you might wind up covered in paint. Many superstitions that are no good die out and the good ones grow stronger. Ginseng (a Korean herb) was always thought to be good for the mind but was scoffed at by western medicine until recently.

Many superstitions also just make sense, no matter how round-about they work. Many people in Taiwan keep long eel like fish in big tanks above their TVs. One superstition in Taiwan, is that the longer your ugly fish is, the more prosperous your family will become. This makes sense as these bloody fish eat alot and need huge tanks and maintenance, if you are poor, you can't afford all this and you don't get a long ugly fish to display. Therefore, poor people don't have ugly fish and rich people do, hence the fish brings them wealth... or is the cart before the horse? The other thing, is that about once a month, businesses set a table up infront of their shop and place food and stuff on it for the gods. The more food and drink you provide, the more prosperous your business will become. If your business is on the brink of going belly up, you will not be able to afford this monthly feast and to buy the fake money to burn, etc. If you can't afford to offer to the gods, then your business will not be as prosperous... it kind of works itself out, doesn't it?

Now to my post... I was having a killer time shaking this (no, I didn't go to the doctor) so I asked around at work and Andy said to go to the sauna at the pool and steam it out, other ideas were to drink lots of warm water because warmth is good for the organs, cold is a shock, and to sweat alot and work out. Other things are ginger tea which worked for me last year. Well, I went for a light workout, drank tonnes of warm orange juice and being in Asia means that I am eternally surrounded by Chinese medicine. I decided to do the ginger tea thing, but how the heck do I do that? Easy, low and behold! On the bloody stove in the staff room, was a whole pot of steaming ginger tea made by the Chinese staff, for the chinese staff as a preventitive measure to combat any chance of catching a cold. I asked May if I could have some and she said to help myself... well... so did all the other staff who seemed to have a cold. I wore a sweater and drank 8 cups of the stuff and made sure to get the super gingery crap from the bottom of the pot and it was pretty gingery, not my "cup of tea" if you ask me. Anyways, I went home and sweated all night, like gushed, and this morning, I am feeling better, my voice has some to be desired (even on a good day), but I feel ok. Paul (my old Chinese roomate) said that ginger makes you sweat, maybe that's the key.

This weekend, it's off to pack for Canada and buy some gifts and stuff. I wanted to sit on the beach for a day, but I don't think I will have the chance. I have to come up with a super craft idea for 6 year olds who don't quite grasp Christmas that I can do without killing anyone. I have to do ALL my Christmas shopping for home and one "Secret Santa" present for a girl at work. I have to look for something for Jennifer and some clothes for Sheri. I think I might wind up going to MeiNong to the umbrella factory and to ChiJen island for some seashell crafts.

I also want to get some contacts, I am buckling under the pressure. I don't need glasses, but I do see better when I use mine, but I hate them because they get in the way. Disposable contacts might be ok, worth a try anyways. Presently, I only use my glasses to play a StarWars video game on my Xbox, they seem to be my secret weapon in kicking Paul's (from B.C.) ass. I found that I was getting shot by laser blasters that were far away and I couldn't see the tiny little man shooting at me. I see quite well now thank you.

I wish more people would comment, I spend time on this blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh say, can you see... Hopefully...
Glad to hear you are getting a little better. This Chinese medicine has been effective for centuries. You may want to be healthy for your l-o-n-g plane ride. Breta

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm only guessing, but you were playing starwars battlefront 2... I play a little box myself,

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:19:00 AM  

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