Saturday, December 03, 2005

Two wheelin', the old fasioned way.

Ok, so I went to Taipei to see Riverdance (tomorrow) and I am staying at Audrey's place. She asked if I wanted to go for a bike ride tonight, I thought that would be nice as she lives in a nice area. Well, she said I could use her roomates bike, it was a very nice bike with dual shocks and quick shifters, a pretty nice bike. So, as I was leaving, her roomate told me to have fun and I said I would be back soon. "No, you won't," he replied.

This bike ride was a 22km round trip on a nice bike with 18" wheels!!! My knees hit my hands on every pedal and I didn't get my legs straigter than 50 degrees the whole time. My toes kept getting caught on the ground when I pedalled and the worst part... The worst part was every time I wanted to go faster or zip around a corner, I just twisted the right handgrip... not a damn thing happened! For all the guts that bloody bike had, I might as well have pedalled the damn thing. Also, I haven't touched a bike for 2 years now, so the racing "thong" seat was not too soft on the tush. On the last couple kms, I rode standing up and it seemed to help a majority of my problems.

It was a good ride and we rode across the bridge to the other side of the river and ate at a good restaraunt that was too expensive and then took a ferry back across the river because I wasn't riding the 16km back to the other side plus the 3km to her place.

It was a good time though, walked up the hills because I couldn't do it. But, I want to buy a bike, my next purchase, I think. A folding one with 28" wheels, or at least something I can stretch my legs on. And one that lurches forward when I twist the grip... just like my motorbike. I miss my bike.

Oh, when I got off the bus, a lady offered to share a taxi with me because the train station was too far away from the bus station. It was 2 city blocks! I realized this after I got in the cab, a man from our bus passed us, walking, as traffic was really heavy! She paid for the cab because she was picking up a friend or something... whatever, I don't understand why they treat foreigners the way they do, but I like it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You on the small bike...Just like "Laugh-in" LOL Breta

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can visualize your pain, well written .

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:05:00 AM  

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