it finally happened, Candy tried to kill me. With this innocent little bottle of water. Anyways, when you fill up with gas, they give you free bottles of water; a nice thing to have in a place without drinkable water. So, she had placed it in the fridge and when I left for work... it looked so nice for the 28 degree heat.
I had just sat down in my class and had finished my 7-11 chicken burger and was really thirsty. I pulled the ice cold water from my bag, cracked the safety seal on the neck and let it's coolness wash down my throat. Wow, talk about refreshing, it almost blew me out of my chair spewing all over the classroom, but nope, I managed somehow to keep it in my mouth as my eyes watered and my throat was incinerated. Something was definately off about this water, but yet very familiar.
Me-Joe, yep, I had it in AliShan, except my cup was a quarter full of bees and three quarter full of rice wine. Yep, Candy had gotten this stuff from her brother or something, I think it's $2.00 a bottle, slightly more potent and slightly less smooth than Hootch. Only after, I realized the Chinese writing on the side, the second character is "Joe" meaning alcohol, the first character was deduced to be "Me", meaning a particular kind of rice. I never bother to read the water bottles, every gas station has a different brand that changes monthly. I can't really read all that well anyways.
At break time, I asked my boss if it was MeJoe and he said yep, which student gave it to me? I explained that Candy must have brought it home and he said this stuff was harsh and meant for cooking or for the mountain indian tribes, I told him that Candy's family was from the mountains. He laughed and immediately told the rest of the staff about my great accomplishment and told me that if the stress is driving me to drink at work, maybe really need a holiday, I just need to ask. It was kind of funny. I sent the secretary to 7-11 to buy me some chewing gum and a lemon tea (not Long Island).
Upon personal reflection, Candy did mention that her brother gave her some wine, however; she forgot to tell me it was in a "water bottle" that looks like all the other water bottles.

I had just sat down in my class and had finished my 7-11 chicken burger and was really thirsty. I pulled the ice cold water from my bag, cracked the safety seal on the neck and let it's coolness wash down my throat. Wow, talk about refreshing, it almost blew me out of my chair spewing all over the classroom, but nope, I managed somehow to keep it in my mouth as my eyes watered and my throat was incinerated. Something was definately off about this water, but yet very familiar.
Me-Joe, yep, I had it in AliShan, except my cup was a quarter full of bees and three quarter full of rice wine. Yep, Candy had gotten this stuff from her brother or something, I think it's $2.00 a bottle, slightly more potent and slightly less smooth than Hootch. Only after, I realized the Chinese writing on the side, the second character is "Joe" meaning alcohol, the first character was deduced to be "Me", meaning a particular kind of rice. I never bother to read the water bottles, every gas station has a different brand that changes monthly. I can't really read all that well anyways.
At break time, I asked my boss if it was MeJoe and he said yep, which student gave it to me? I explained that Candy must have brought it home and he said this stuff was harsh and meant for cooking or for the mountain indian tribes, I told him that Candy's family was from the mountains. He laughed and immediately told the rest of the staff about my great accomplishment and told me that if the stress is driving me to drink at work, maybe really need a holiday, I just need to ask. It was kind of funny. I sent the secretary to 7-11 to buy me some chewing gum and a lemon tea (not Long Island).
Upon personal reflection, Candy did mention that her brother gave her some wine, however; she forgot to tell me it was in a "water bottle" that looks like all the other water bottles.
lol....that is funny but i would have probably done the exact same thing
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