Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Paddling about in the kitchen.

So, I haven't been able to update my blog because the undersea internet cables were broken in the earthquake. Things seemed fine, but I guess the ships were fixing the cables the last few days which caused the disruptions.
So, the one floor in my house that I haven't really gotten down and scrubbed the crap out of, is my kitchen floor. It's clean, but could use some bleaching. Anyways, Candy decided to clean it on Monday, so she moved the storage racks out, got the hose from the front balcony, hooked it up to the washing machine pipe and fed it through the kitchen window. Well, this is how things are washed in Taiwan as all the floors are tiled, the walls are tiled and every room has a floor drain. So, she puts some soap on the floor, floods the floor with about an inch and a half of water and scrubs with a scrubby mop thingy. the door jamb between the kitchen and the rest of the apartment is about 2 inches high, so no problems. She then comes to ask me, "Colin, where is the kitchen floor drain?"
Well, there's no floor drain in the kitchen, as why I haven't done what she did. So, we bailed the kitchen out into the laundry room where it drained through the floor drain, not so bad. The kitchen used to have a floor drain before it had a sink, someone used it as a sink drain and puttied around it so it wouldn't stink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,

You are truly an inspiration. Check out "Snicklefritz on Safari". Yes I created a copy-cat blog. It will never be as good as your of course... but it is pink!!!

Love ya lots,

Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:30:00 PM  

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