Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Travel God Rears It's Ugly Head.

Well, it's time to move again and this cannot be done without a sacrifice to the Travel God. I have asked the god to bestow upon me movement to Saigon (Ho Chi Min).

The divine response is to demand sacrifice of time or money.

3 days bus, or US$200 cash... the cash comes with uncertainty.

So, from here to there is $180, it's booked til Friday, I have a Friday booking and I'm waitlisted for Wednesday and Thursday. Wed or Thur mean I can go shopping in Vietnam, something I didn't do in order to stay light in the saddle. Friday means I only have to wait 90 minutes for my connection, how did that happen?!?!?! Also, Friday means I don't have to pay $25 for my Vietnam visa at the Embassy here... but no shopping, no flag... I wanted a flag.

Anyways, there's a hundred different prices, from $208 down to $28 for a 3 day bus tour to Saigon, no thanks! These aren't nice buses, these are old busses, and if they're full, there's plenty of plastic stools to place in the isles... why can't they just do that for the planes?!?!?!

Next, on the Chopsticks channel: Mong Nguei, Bomb disposal, Cannibals and hitchhiking on the river, Colin's trip beyond civilization! (I just don't feel like writing about it at the moment, but it was great!)

Next time I travel, I'm going to be rich and important, I'll have my own Leerjet and be famous enough to not need a visa for any country... that should just about cover all the bad crap about travelling... that and someone to carry your bags and a hellicopter for the short trips from the airport and around town. "Hey, Jeeves! Fire up the jet, we're leavin' this dump!"


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