Thursday, August 03, 2006

Slip slidin' delay!

Well, I made it to Sapa. I took a night train, it was a bullet train!!! Well... the picture was of a bullet train, the actual train was a junky think like shown in Indai with all the people on the roof. Yes, there were people on the roof and stuff, but I had a bunk in a room for four. It was comfy.

There was a landslide on the way, so I spent 4.5 hours on the side of a cliff watching the rice grow as they brought in equipment to clear it all away. Sliding in a minibus is fun!

Anyways, I feel like I'm on the moon or something. The mountains are the steepest I have ever seen and they have terraced them to grow rice. Anyways, I want to get out and do some biking, motorbiking, that is. The tour said about 6 hour walking a day, I did lots of that at HaLong bay, so I'd prefer to whiz by them on a motorbike... laughing at the suckers... have I said that? I still can't read ANY blogger site, so I don't know what I have written. Comments automatically go to my email, so please leave one.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spud ... glad your having a good time. We're back to work but had a great couple of weeks.

Friday, August 04, 2006 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoying your news! Talk to you soon...Breta

Friday, August 04, 2006 2:50:00 PM  

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