Kenting "and" bust.

Well, it happened, by George!
I went to Kenting with anyone who wanted to go... Jam. Theresa was running around trying to tie all her loose ends 'cause she leaves tonight and Paul had "dates", yes, with an "s". Jam and I drove to Kenting on my bike and it was a great drive. I wore my mask until we hit the halfway point and then bang! The air was fresh! Made me realize just how bad the air is in our clouded city.
We booked into a sweet hotel, it was $30 for a basic but nice room, or $40 for a sweet mini palace. Our little palace had two king beds TV, fridge, beautiful hardwood floors and a huge patio overlooking the ocean, right on the beach. It was nice, so I set my camera up and took some pictures of the beautiful sunset. I did some time exposures and I wanted to be in them so I turned the flash on, but it was too bright. Hmmm.... an assistants finger covering half the flash works quite well as I can't adjust my flash.
We then went for Thai food and it was pretty good, the curry beef was a little fatty, but the basil chicken and the seafood fried rice was great, cheesecake for dessert that was frozen, but after thawing, it was great... but I don't think it was cheesecake...
The hotel was nice, everything was clean and the air was fresh. I didn't wake up with a cough, which was really nice, because I now know I am not chronicaly sick, just temporarily dirty. However, I did sleep for 12 hours... but I feel great. I got up and went to another Thai restaurant for lunch and had some coconut milk chicken and rice, it was good.
It started to rain and so I changed from my Thai cotton shirt and shorts, into my jeans, warm T-shirt and jacket, in the middle of the street. We drove home and missed stopping in DongGang town for a huge celebration. One of the temples was having a huge celebration for 4 days, it only happens ever 300 years. This was my first "drive-by" cultural experience. I was freezing form a 100km/hour motorcycle ride for an hour with no raincoat and my shoes were FULL of water.
On a side note, I have found the warmest place to be in the rain... behind a truck, the spray from the tires is warm for some reason... yuck! Oh, I didn't have a visor on my helmet, just a pair of sunglasses and keeping my mouth closed.
It was a great trip and as I passed through Haikou, I made a Haikou about being in Haikou, next post.
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