Monday, October 24, 2005

Lateral teaching, more than just thought.

Well, I got back to school today, not by choice but it had to be done or they will not pay me. So, I guess I will have to work for my money. I like my job, but 2 weeks with my parents felt really nice and don't want it to end... yes, I'm in denial about my denial.

I showed up at work and checked with the girls about my feedback form my student reports, everything was good. I walked into the staffroom and everyone welcomed me and wanted to know about my holiday, it was nice.

So, Andy talked to me and told me that Keith was going to teach my 5:00 class today and my other 5:00 class tomorrow. Ummm.... what? I guess my phonics teaching is a little off so it's just easier for him to show me how it's done. So I got to observe him teaching one of my classes today and one tomorrow. I still get paid and he said how great my classes were except for a few things. He wasn't annoyed or pissed or anything. My students could all do what they were supposed to but not the way they were supposed to. Whatever, I learned some cool things that I will try for my other classes. If you let a teacher teach for 16 months without observing him, he's bound to digress from the mold. Whatever, I got my vacation.


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