Tuesday, November 08, 2005

World caving in on itself.

Well, we have mad cows, birds with a case of deadly flu and our salmon are weighing in a little heavier due to lead toxins. The only staple meat left is pork, who are awaiting a swine pandemic. Vegetarianism can't even help us now, "the future" seems to have it's dirty fingers poking into every orafice of our lives and we have no concept of what these buttons we are pushing are connected to. Vegetables aren't far behind our deadly meats with all these GMO's that cause peanut allergies when you eat a bloody carrot (or something), go figure. Whatever happened to E.Coli? Oh yeah, we sprayed it with chemicals to now make it resistant. Even the mosquitos and bees are trying to kill us, the ones we should run from, are ourselves.

France is rioting form political unjustice from financial stratification and Le Minister Prime is too scared to do anything about it. I think they should have less riot police and more snipers. Taiwan has it good, they arrest big drug dealers by crashing through the front wall of the drug house in a tank, followed by body armored marines toating AK-47 assault rifles. Last time I saw a traffic checkpoint in Kaohsiung, I had my picture taken with the police officer carrying the M16 assault rifle, that's how you protect those who are enforcing public safety. I think police should be able to carry any weapon they wish, shy of leveling a 7-11.

Somehow the U.S. is losing 2 wars that they had won 3 years ago, how can you be still losing if you've already won? Saddam just lost his second lawyer, I think Bush should volunteer to be his next head defense lawyer, then we could get two birds if you know what I mean, Bush shot and due to having a too incompetent to stand trial lawyer, Saddam will get hanged also.

When the hell are they going to make me president? I have a lot of stuff to do.

I've been coming up with various rants to post somewhere, but this doesn't seem to be the right place, maybe I will dust off my web page or something and use it for rants and this for my journal. Some things I wish to rant about:
Things about Children
About Life
About language barriers.
About taiwanese thinking... yes, it is COMPLETELY different, not just ways of thinking, but they see things from a completely different perspective.
About teaching
Confidence can get you halfway into anything, and 25% out again
How well we bounce, physically and mentally
How the things that matter, don't... and visa-versa


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