Saturday, September 17, 2005

Never ending rollercoaster.

Well, Keith (Boss) talked to me on Friday about time off for when my parents come. He had said that unless we lose a teacher (sick, whatever), Theresa can sub my afternoon and he will do the rest for me. Well... Friday I asked him what he wants for a lesson plan, he wanted to make sure everything was straight and clear. So, we went into a classroom and Keith invited the ass. manager in. He told me that he was going away for 3 weeks (Which I knew) and that when he gets back he can't promise anything. Maybe I can get two or three evenings off or maybe none if a teacher is sick. This is far short of the one and a half weeks from last weeks talks. I told him that he has to look out for his school number one and that the tickets have already been booked. I also told him that I understand that if a teacher drops out, I might have to teach but I don't think I was too enthusiastic about my two or three possible evenings off. He said he's sorry that he cannot promise anything but he'll try. I finished the conversation with telling him that all I can expect is a good honest try for that week and a half, the rest will have to wait till the time comes.
Anyways, I don't think I really said anything or did anything, but I don't think I was percieved as being very happy with our chat. Before my last class, Keith and Andy were talking and he told me that they might just know a guy to do my classes for the two weeks. I said that that would be great and that I have to get to class. I don't think I was overly happy then either but was on a positive note on the possibility.
This crap really pisses me off, all the flip flopping. Anyways, I've got my week and a half off because I have other things than the school to worry about. If I have to teach for an evening or two, that's ok, or if another teacher gets sick or something. I really like my school, but everything has limits, even me.

So, my cash flow seems to be really good, and my parents are coming, what could be better? So, I will dump some cash into my scooter to make it parents worthy and I should have enough money to do anything I like for the 2 weeks. Yipee for me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll go with the flow...Breta

Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:10:00 PM  

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