Saturday, January 21, 2006

Should have guessed.

Well, my list for shopping today:

Money Belt
Power Converter
Water Purification Tabs
Ear Plugs

Well, Taiwanese buy group tickets and use Visa for traveling, so no money belts to be found.

Power Converter, I found some for $40 that don't include Cambodia, almost every other country in Asia, but not Cambodia. I guess I'll have to look more.

Water purification tabs, "Why do you want to drink bad water?" I was asked. I guess an islans that's afraid of camping doesn't need water tabs, if there's no drinking water, why would you go there?

Ear plugs, this should be the least shock to me. The guys operating pile drivers at construction sites wear baseball caps and rubber boots, safety is not a problem in Taiwan, it's not even an option. I was told to bring the ear plugs for the boat, I guess mufflers haven't been introduced in Cambodia.

So, that's 0 for 4 on my shopping excursion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey colin, just got the link to your blog and finally caught up with all the reading. Sounds like you're having a great time. The blog is very interresting, keep it up.
Tyler Schultz

Monday, January 23, 2006 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your shopping... Sounds like your list includes some essential items, where is the peptobismal?? Without those tablets, I can guess where your trip hightlights may be...bathroom number 23??? All the best!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:05:00 PM  

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