Monday, January 02, 2006

Gonna be a LOOOOONG day.

Well, I woke up at 11:00AM (after going to bed at 4:00AM) on December 31st, 2005... I will be going to bed at 8:30PM on January 2nd, 2006. That means that today is 57.5 hours long!!! Ok, so timezones play a part, so, maybe that add jetlag to the equation.

Anyways, travel sucks, but intoxication helps the time pass, and then you have plenty of liquids and time to get your levels back. A Stewardess referrs to this as "time juice."

Well, I guess I have to teach today, I'd rather fire up the Skidoo and have a snow fight. Yuck, I'm not in an energetic place right now. Nope, but the seat today felt alot better, I didn't have to lie on the floor and the food was ok. I'm so glad to have my iPod that can pump tunage into my skull for 12 hours straight. Somehow, I lost my computer dvd's with all my Simpsons and Family Guy stuff on it, so much for watching hours of cartoons. Maybe I'll go lay infornt of the door at my boarding gate so that they can't load without waking me up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you had a safe flight home, even if you think travelling "sucks". Must be genetic...Breta

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:46:00 AM  

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