Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Talk about Ghost month.

Well, this is ghost month in Chinese culture. There are gates around the city and at grave sites to keep ghosts form passing through. But, on the 8th lunar month, they open the gates, light lanterns and put out a whole buttload of food.

Also, they send money to thier dead relatives. I guess in the afterlife, you need money. Western Uunion has been having a heck of a time setting up shop in the afterlife so they Chinese have devised a clever way of sending money... burn it. You can buy money form the Church, yellow for the gods and silver for dead spirits. Well, if you burn this money, it will go to the gods and they will look more favorably upon you or if you burn the silver money, your relatives will be able to spend it. I thought the Christian churches were good at fund raising... so, many people are burning money outside almost every home and business in special ceremonial burning pots.

Ok, so now that it's ghost month, the ghosts are free to enter the city. Also, food is displayed outside of businesses on tables for the ghosts to eat... even at 7-11. There are tables set up with pineapples, bottles of water and soda, cookies, crackers, etc all with incense sticks sticking out.

The ghosts are on the prowl for new bodies. Today, one of my students went swimming this weekend, no one seemed to care. But you cannot go swimming in ghost month I said. Well, it's ok in the pool, but not in lakes or ocean. I asked why... one of my students crawled to me on the floor, and started grabbing at my pant cuffs telling me he wants my body. He was making weird ghost faces and noises, I was laughing so hard along with the students. I guess if the ghosts are loose, they will grab onto you while you are swimming and drown you, then they can have your body.

I was whistling in class today like I often do and my students FREAKED OUT! They were SERIOUSLY scared for my life or something. The ghosts will get pissed off if I whistle or something, I'll find out more tomorrow.

Well, my "new" cellphone crapped out on me, a teacher gave it to me last night. The ear speaker doesn't work now, it did before... grrrrr..... damn ghosts.

Also, for dinner, I went to a pasta place by my home, it was closed to I went across the street to a Taiwanese food place. One of my favorite foods is "Oooh Hwah Roe" and they had it!!! No more temple trips across the city for this super good food. I'm told it's either a piece of pork form the pig's wrist or abdomen, well, this piece had a bump on it. I asked what the hell it was, she said "Nay Nay" meaning "nipple". So, the mystery is solved, it ain't the wrist. Well, the soup I had with it was a fine broth with no shortage of Chicken feet... everything from the knee down. It was actually pretty good. I also had an egg and some chopped green boiled veggies, nothing special here.

I'm feeling rushed with my new place, can move in on Sunday or Monday and have to be out of here on the Wednesday. I would have been able to get in on the Saturday, but they are going to paint the walls.

P.S. The excised nipple remains in the food carton.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the rule was "Don't ask what you are eating..." Amazing ideas about ghosts...I.m sure we have different customs that people wonder about too...Love Breta

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:27:00 AM  

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