Monday, August 22, 2005

My phone IS the best!

Well, I have always touted that my Nokia 8210 is the absolute best phone on the market. I have had many people look at my phone and ask me why I don't upgrade it. It's old, ugly, no camera, no flip, yellow and black dot matrix screen (the original gameboy). Well, my reasons: it's cheap, no one wants to steal it, I don't have to pay for sending pictures, it's not flimsy and delicate, no toys and simple to use. I have thrown it on the street just to demonstrate it's strength (it's cheap, remember?) and it has fallen out of my pocket on my bike a few times and has been run over once. I have replaced the $6 cover a few times, works great.

Anyways, I dropped it in the toilet once and let it suntan for 3 days on the patio to dry it off before I fired it up... don't ask. Well, this rain incident was not good, it was under water for more than 10 minutes, not good for electronics. Last night, it wouldn't do ANYTHING, this morning it flashed a little, then I managed to fire it up, but the antenna wasn't working, so I did the smart thing and moved all the memory form the phone to the removable chip. After looking at phones today, it finally worked tonight! So, I guess I have my phone and all the people I can't remember.

So, I still had a SUPER time at the BBQ, I will definately do it again, even if I have to put it on myself.


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