Friday, August 12, 2005

Finding my groove

Well, Monday, I did a whole lot of nuttin' at school, Tuesday was similar, Wednesday was possibly productive. Actually, my wednesday evening class was even more nothing. We played games for 45 minutes, took a 20 minute break, then did some work for 20 minutes. It was one of my girl's birthdays and they all had just passed Level 1. So, when you don't feel like doing much, what do you do? Field trip to 7-11 for ice cream!!! So, that's what we did, just as I'm leaving the school, my bos walks in, "Where are you going?" I promptly replied, "for ice cream, of course." He paused for a couple seconds, "have fun." We ate ice cream, sang Happy B and I went home.

Today, I was much more productive, I think I'm back in the groove... all it took was a slap in the face. One of my new students, she's very spunky and afraid of nothing, slapped me in the face today. All of my students have been groomed to talk back and be absolutely fearless... my new student came pre-programmed. We were goofing around in class and I was playing with my students and teasing them (what else is new?) and she plain slapped me in the face and kept on playing, it was just a little play slap, but the mouths on my other seven students dropped and so did hers when she saw the others reactions. No one could believe that someone actually slapped the teacher, neither could the teacher. She said sorry and I said it's fine, I think she felt bad, she was just playing. So, I punished her the same way any proper teacher would, I dangled her headfirst over the garbage can. In the same class, I had to take a piss. I managed to beat two students to the urinals by about 2 seconds. I was at one urinal two students walked in at the same time and SHARED the other urinal. I washed my hands and after they finished up, I told them that urinals are sort of a one-of-a-kind thing. I walked into their class and mentioned it to their teacher (Nick) and he busted a gut and announced the new one-at-a-time bathroom rule.
Who knows... maybe that spurred me back into my groove.

On another subject... I have been on a banana split binge. I went to the foreigner bar, and they were out of bananas, I walked out. The next night, I went to Smokey Joe's, they don't have 'em on the menu but they figured one out.

One scoop of Haagen Daaz ice cream: $100
Two more scoops: $200
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Pineapple: $100

Total: $450 ($24CAN) for a Haagen Daaz super banana split!

...I walked away.

So, tonight, we were at the night market for Korean BBQ and I decided to get some soft serve from McDonalds (the only place I know of in all of Taiwan). I walked in, they had Sundaes, McFlurries, cones, milk shakes and floats. I looked at the Sundaes, they have Chocolate, Strawberry and Mango each for only $15 (60cents CAN). I saw a split less one banana so I got one of each, to go with extra toppings (by the way, extra stuff never costs extra in Taiwan). Then, it was the mad dash to the 24 hour grocery store for a banana. Wow, the bananas were marked as fresh vegetables, neither claim was true. So, I bought a couple softies for $15 (another 60 cents CAN) and flew home as fast as possible in the 30 degree C heat..

One banana hit the floor in the kitchen, it pretty much exploded on impact, the other one got hacked up and into the bowl. The ice cream was still relatively firm (for soft serve) and it folled the banana into the bowl. I wolfed half of it down until I had McSoup and left the rest for the cats, they wouldn't go near it. Paul and Nick were impressed with my split and how fast soft serve melts in a 34 degree apartment (at home: try eating ice cream while blow drying it). It was good and it satisfied my craving for $60 ($2.40CAN)... it's a good thing I didn't get to it all, 3 Sundaes is alot of ice cream!

Well, this weekend was planned for a boat cruise for 300km to the island of Peng Hu, but the weather bereau had other plans by throwing in 90%rain and a Typhoon just to seal our fate. So, it's off to Kenting? Who knows? The whole island will be gettin wet.

Goodnight, tomorrow is Friday and that's good enough for me.


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