Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tuesday, pre-hump day.

Well, today was Tuesday. It all started with an 11 am staf meeting/training. On the good side, I didn't need to bring lunch as it would be provided. Well, the meeting/training dragged for 2 hours. It sucked as it was mainly geared for the new teachers. The pizza came, 2 14" pizzas for 12 foreign staff. That gave me one piece of pizza for the day... don't let Taiwanese staff order for hungry foreigners. So, the foreigners made an order to Bagel Bagel for some sandwiches. Ii drove Theressssa to the scooter mechanic, she got the same thing I did done to hers. The meeting ran late so she had no time to walk cause she had to get to the other school.

Before our first class, we had decided that the day felt almost over... it hadn't even begun! I did my classes and they went well. My last class was a little interesting. One girl had fallen this weekend and cut her lip which was badly infected and ugly. She was covering her lip in class so no one could see. Our reader book question was, What did Jane give to the horse?" She yelled out the answer in excitement, "ASSHOLE!!!"
"What?" I asked?
"ASSHOLE!" came yelling out of her mouth.
...hmmm... when you were little, did you ever pull your cheeks apart and recite "I was born on a pirate ship with a bunch of apples?"... if not, try it.
I guess she was meaning that Jane gave the hoose an apple or something, my students don't know these vulgarities yet, so they didn't see the humour as far as I could from being doubled over on the floor.
I was lounging in my office chair, relaxing while signing homework books and then the secretary rudely inturrupted my class with some silly story about it's 9:25PM and my class ends at 9:15 or something. I was so disgusted, that I decided there will be no more teaching today and I told my kids to grab their bookbags and go home. Oh well, it's bound to happen sometimes, I was on track all lesson, it was just that last little bit, I even started homework books on time. At least we were having fun.

Well, it's off to the government to sort out my money problems tomorrow, collect my tax return, I think that will keep me on a healthy, carefree track. If not, I can always get it from work or my Canadian bank account.

P.S. One of my kids colored me a Canadian flag at home and brought it in for me, it looks like it was carefully ececuted by a Taiwanese 5 year old... wait, it was. So, I'll laminate it and stick it in my classroom.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blogs...Breta

Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:40:00 PM  

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