Thursday, May 18, 2006

The cow flew over the moon when the stool ran away with the vaccuum.

Alright, I almost died, I swore in Chinese, and the Asian powers that be are trying to smite me for it.

Well, the powers that be, turned up my heat and have smitten my air conditioner. I had a man come to fix it, but he said that the 5 year life span on my air conditioner and passed 2 and a half times, damn good thing my a/c's Buhddist, Christians only get to live once. My conditioner's 13 years old. The cord that is supposed to be at 40 amps is running at 73 amps.

Anyways, he said it was dirty (the radiator part). I got my vaccuum out to suc the crap from between the plates, standing on the wooden stool that the fix-it man was on. CRASH! The folding stool folded before I was finished, should have inserted another quarter. I landed on my bed, and the stool punched the bottom out of my book case and punched a hole in my box spring... the air conditioner was still screwed.

It does "work". If you smack it around enough, the compressor will turn on. But, it will turn off in the middle of your sleep and your windows will be closed and the fan off, you will wake up in the solar inferno of a cooker where the blinds once shaded me from (we got rid of those blinds a month ago).

Next, in class on Tuesday, I swore... in Chinese... loudly.
"Cow" is a swear in Chinese if you say it in the same tone as English swears. I was describing 'suddenly'. When you are driving your motorbike at 100km/hour and a dog... no, a cow!!!... runs into the middle of the road and you shout COW!!! As you try to stop suddenly. It was an accident and the kids were in hysterics, I told them to not be so stupid. I meant a real cow, guess that's about as common here, as Palm and Bamboo trees falling on the road in Northern Sask. Whatever, go watch 'Lost in Translation'.

The powers that be decided to try to smitten me once more tonight with a Typhoon, but far out of season, I think something's up... maybe it's an ingenious attack from China.

Anna's back, had a wicked BBQ tonight. Ii want a Typhoon day tomorrow, but I'm living in the wrong county. I had an idea to change all the highway signs to the YuLin county (where the typhoon day is), but it's raining alot... guess I'll just go to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,
Reminds me of a certain little camping trip in the tent trailor after being stuck inside for quite a few days (due to rain). We were playing games and there was a similar stool incident "who's fat a$$ bent this stool?!". Yours sounds more exciting but perhaps not quite as hysterical.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful with those stories from Canada!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:53:00 AM  

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