Monday, May 15, 2006

Crooked Cops

I used to want to be a soldier and go to war, defend my country and kill all the bad guys. Maybe till I was 16 and then some...

Now, I'm terrified of being in the millitary.

I always thought of the Western world as upholding civil liberties and defending the defensless. When the "baddies" were wreaking havoc in WWII, North America came to the aid. Canada, even though it was not under attack, sent help over the seas to another continent. We didn't have to.

Now, I have seen what America had done with it's brave 'defending' force. Men and women with the braveness to lay themselves on the line in the name of a better world.

Alas, the time has come, a crisis has come, all the baddies have conspired upon the 'axis of evil', yes, all the little 'terrorists' have decided to use the western philosophy of Supply and Demand and sell their oil for what it's worth.

The troops are marched off into the battle, a battle that no one wants to be in, just so there is more petrol at the pumps and a lower price tag. Also, the public is not focused on the troubles at home, when we are causing much more havoc in the East.

It's sad that all of this bravery and heroism is wasted upon some black, Earth destroying filth.

Some argue that the 'defenders' have taken out evil governments, but Iraq has been 3 years and Afghanistan has been a little more and things haven't seemed to change much for the better. Luckily, these countries have oil intrests and hopefully, they will show some appreciation of these 'liberating' efforts, either thru generosity or force, I don't think the 'liberators' care which one.

So, if it truly is on the up and up, why has Africa barely been touched? Are diamonds really that worthless? There are powerful people in Africa that are up to less good than Afghanistan and Iraq, but I guess there's no Halliburton embassy in Africa, is there?

The last thing I'd want, is to stick out my neck for all the wrong reasons. I guess even the 'world police' have crooked cops.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written, impressive speech.

I'm impressed at the messages you managed to convey, and the points that surfaced throughout.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:20:00 AM  

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