Thursday, May 25, 2006

Burnt bridges.

"The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn."
- David Russell

It's time to start crossing and burning. I've quit my contract and my boss tried to extend it for me to make my life easier, can't be done. So, my "Honorary citizenship" will expire and I will be forced to leave the country. Or, I can surrender my "string free" vacation and sign with a school now and keep my "Citizenship"... not exactly a string free vacation, as it will involve a trip to a Taiwanese embassy that doesn't actually exist, but that's a whole new story.

Long of the short, I'm pretty happy.
I don;t really want to leave my job, just to be thrust into another, I want to see the world, and... I NEED a break. Just need a break. I've been feeling a little bit of burnout, not much, but a little here and there.

What a way to see the world! I get to go on a vacation in Asia, for an undisclosed amount of time, to almost anywhere I like, free of all time constraints. I can get an open ended ticket to and from Vietnam, so, if I venture out of Vietnam, I must remember to venture back to get home. This leaves me with the purpose of heading west to India and back, one hell of a long trip though, some air travel may help. Or, maybe I'll just spend a week in India and forget the rest of Asia. Come back to Taiwan, relax for a week, then start all over as I did 2 years ago, job hunting... but with experience.

My worst case scenario? Go home. Yep, if it all hits the toilet with a big splash, I get to spend time with my awesome family that I have so missed.

I have arranged to sell my bikes (temporarily), and my cash card works outside of Taiwan.

Nothing like burning bridges, with a parachute... just in case. However, I am as paranoid now as I was when I came here. I can't see anything preventing my best plan from working.

There's always China, always have wanted to do that... even for a little bit till I get Taiwan back in my sights. Wow, the possibilities are almost endless. I can't seem to come up with a worst case scenario here... If I'm just a little careful, things only seem to go up.

I know what my dad and Jay Leno would say about this...

To me, a week's vacation just means you're now a week behind."
- Jay Leno.

...however... a week behind whe you're unemployed is a week behind in nothing.


Anonymous Anonymous said... r ya

Friday, May 26, 2006 4:21:00 AM  

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