Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hanging out

Well, there aren't any comments on the last couple posts, you guys must be busy.

This weekend... tomorrow morning (Saturday), I'm meeting someone at McDonald's at 9:00AM to go for a drive to the mountains. Then, we're going to drive to the top of a hill/cliff and I might try to convince someone to jump off of a cliff with me.

Dad, you finally get your wish, it's taken me 25 years, but I might finally "Go jump off a cliff." Hopefully, the other guy brings a kite, more specifically, a hang glider.

Tomorrow I'll go to the mountain and see what's going on. The guy who's showing me where it is jumps every weekend using a paraglider, it's like a parachute, but too damn big to put into a pack. You set it out on the hill and run like hell over the edge of the cliff, then you can ride thermals and stay up there till the sun goes down... if things are good.

I'm psyched, but I'm not sure what opportunities I'll have, hopefully there's an instructor to take me out or to make arrangements for another day. My skydiving stint lasted about 4 minutes, this will be fun for hours if it ever 'gets off the ground'.

Last thing, check out the video link on my last post, what an awesome toy, just click on the link.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't try all the fancy manouvers that the last toy you showed us could do!! Keep the paraglider above you all all times! Have fun! Breta

Saturday, April 01, 2006 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April fools?!?! Mabye not...

Keep it up.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to read your next post...Breta

Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:10:00 PM  

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