I want a refund!!!
I oredered cable TV this week. Reg has been wanting it for a while and Candy asks about it, so... guess what? I have cable again, I think it helps my reading as I try to read the subtitles as thye speak way too fast. I can read and keep up with the voice, but not understand, or I can just listen and understand most of it... I can't seem to do both, no matter how I try.
Anyways, I turn the tv on and it's like watching tve on Sept 11th, every channel is showing the bloody rallies, Reg and I wanted to go when we were in Taipei, but the girls were scared.
Keep your eyes open on the Taiwan news. The protests are still going on trying to oust the President of Taiwan for him and his family stealing money. It's been raining straight for more than a week, and the crowds just keep growing. The president's party has set up a protest area, but has maybe 200 people, most wearing party vests. The opposition's protest areas have people as far as the eye can see, "Ren Shan Ren Hai" (Crowded= People mountian, people sea). I think rioting will break out soon.
Anyways, I turn the tv on and it's like watching tve on Sept 11th, every channel is showing the bloody rallies, Reg and I wanted to go when we were in Taipei, but the girls were scared.
Keep your eyes open on the Taiwan news. The protests are still going on trying to oust the President of Taiwan for him and his family stealing money. It's been raining straight for more than a week, and the crowds just keep growing. The president's party has set up a protest area, but has maybe 200 people, most wearing party vests. The opposition's protest areas have people as far as the eye can see, "Ren Shan Ren Hai" (Crowded= People mountian, people sea). I think rioting will break out soon.
We'll keep an eye on the news.
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