Wednesday, July 20, 2005

May I help you, Sir?

So, it's pissing rain, I went to look at a new place to live downtown. I didn't take it cause it was too far. I'm driving my motorbike in the worst rain I have seen, and as I started off at 9pm, my roomate said it was only raining a little. Well, after driving around town on my MOTORBIKE in the pouring rain, I decide that a good relief from swimming lanes on my bike would be to stop at KFC for some hot chicken. Well, I walk in as everyone is looking at the stupid foreigner dripping wet in a sheet of water with no rain jacket. Well the nice lady at the counter promptly offers me a napkin to wipe myself dry. Not a towel, but a small little KFC napkin that is usually too smmll to get the grease off your index finger. I laughed and looked at the puddle at my feet and the trail of water to the door (no kidding, everyone else used cars and these weird things called umbrellas to stay dry... wonder how an "umbrella" would work on my bike) so, I said thankyou very much and then ordered my 2 pieces to go. As I left, she offered another napkin to dry my face, I laughed, wiped my eyebrow, threw the glob of napkin mache into the garbage and said thank you. Her intentions were polite and that is the custom to do here, especially if you are sweating... but I was wet, I hosently don't think laying down in a puddle would have made a difference.
I didn't take the apartment as it was downtown and about 15 minutes from my school, it was very nice and cheap though. The rain kind of made me more confident in my descision.

Oh, the chicken was pretty good.

One more thing, I bought a pair of noise reducing earphones a week ago. They use a reverse signal to actually cancel out outside noise, it's pretty cool, I can turn them on and not have any music on, just have the noise reduction on and not be able to hear my motorbike. This was only a test! I will not be driving with them. Anyways I wanted to return them because as cool as they were, they sometimes wiggled loose when I was working out and they were very expensive. I was very dilligent in retaining the package, receipt, checking with the store manager and all that stuff. Well, the one thing I forgot about was the raging typhoon outside as I opened the window to look at all the cool stuff blowing around. Well, my packaging was added to this fury. I have now granted permanent assylum to my hi-tech, noise reducing, motor-muffling, base boosting, sound blasting, ear plugging listening device.

I also have a pair of motorcycle friendly earbuds, they have a hole through the center so you can hear all the outside noise and if the volume is low (it always is on my bike, I'm scared witless already) it's just like listening to your car radio.

Well, it's late and I doubt we will get 3 Typhoon days in a row as it's now moved onto China (they'll probably use this excuse to justify "counter" attacking Taiwan).

Oh yeah, the government recently celebrated it's 60th anniversary of defeating Japan. JApan and China were at war and China won and Taiwan is officially part of China and therefore Taiwan won, too... yaaaaaayyy!!!
..... wait...
...China was not drafting from Taiwan at that time, Japan was coming to Taiwan and recruiting/kidnapping Taiwanese to fight AGAINST China on the Japanese side...

...So, did we lose the war, or was Taiwan sort of like a handicap for the Chinese forces?
Sounds like the government should read the history books a little more carefully before throwing a big parade.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's my boy!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005 1:55:00 AM  

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